The Software

kesa-aladin is the software for the calculation of chimneys according to European standards.


Professional and nevertheless simply and safe:

Using kesa-aladin, you can calculate as simply and safely a 3-layer house chimney for an oil-fired boiler as a complex boiler plant which is, for example, independent from room air and consists of five condensing boilers in a cascade system.

Our languages:

Croatian German (Switzerland)
Czech Greek
Danish Hungarian
English Italian
French Polish
German Romanian
German (Austria) Russian
Spanish Slovenian

What does it look like?

Below you see an example which shows the surface of the program kesa-aladin (a screen copy). It consists of three areas: the control window above, the entry form below on the left side and the graphic window on the right side.

In this example, the entry form shows the »conception of the system« for three condensing boilers connected to a single collecting pipe.

The boilers are provided with combustion air through a common air duct.

You can navigate through the program by using the menu and the icons of the upper control window.

The graphic window is a schematic representation of the installation. A mouse click on the represented installation parts lets you jump directly to the corresponding form for data input.